Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House to House

This past weekend our Neighborhood had our first annual Progressive Dinner. We had about 20 or so couples to participate. We had 2 houses for appetizers, 4 houses for dinner and 2 houses for dessert. Our house was one of the appetizer houses. We really had a good time getting to know neighbors that we usually do not get to see. By the time we got to the dessert house I was stuffed but the desserts looked so good that I had to try a couple of them. So much for the diet!

I am on the social committee for our Homeowners Association and this was our first event. We plan to have one every quarter. The next thing we are planning will be an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. I think that will go over well and hopefully we will have a lot of kids participating.

As I write this we are under a Ice storm warning. Snow I don't mind, but ice? Not so much. We had a major ice storm in 1994 where our power was out for several days. It is really difficult to make meals and stay warm when there is no electricity. At that time we had no children and now we have 2 kids and a dog to have to take care. So we will see what happens.

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